Keep Your Pooch Away from These Foods

Keep Your Pooch Away from These Foods

You’ll see that dog owners enjoy sharing tidbits of their own food with their furry companions, but this may not really be in their best interest. Many human foods are not suitable for dogs, and some may even prove to be toxic for them. So, if you want to ensure your pet’s optimal health, you must follow diet guidelines and know what not to feed your dog.

Dog diet guidelines – Here’s what not to feed your dog

  • Garlic/onions : Both these foods have thiosulphate, which can damage the red blood cells and cause anemia in dogs. So, even while offering your canine pet foods, ensure that they do not have any traces of onions or garlic.
  • Avocado : If you search online for what not to feed your dog, the results will direct you to stay as far away from avocados as possible. Avocado is considered a superfood for humans because of its healthy fat content, but this fruit has persin, which intestinal problems in canines.
  • Chocolate : Dog owners should be very careful about offering chocolate in any form to their pets, as it proves toxic for them. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine that may trigger diarrhea, vomiting, increased urination, restlessness, tremors, increased heart rate, and seizures.
  • Raisins and grapes : These may lead to serious kidney damage and are among the top foods on the list of what not to feed your dog.
  • Alcohol : It is quite obvious that you should avoid giving alcoholic beverages to your pet, as alcohol can cause intoxication, breathing issues, lack of coordination, and acidity.
  • Apple seeds : The casings of these seeds can be toxic for dogs as these have amygdalin, a natural chemical that produces cyanide when digested. That said, this happens if the dog has consumed a lot of apple seeds, and it has entered the bloodstream.
  • Caffeine : This is also highly dangerous for your pet. This is because they may start experiencing symptoms like vomiting, hyperactivity, elevated heart rate, tremors, high blood pressure, and seizures within a couple of hours of ingesting coffee or tea.
  • Cooked bones : These can splinter easily when your dog tries to chew them. Raw bones are a better option because they suit your canine’s nutritional requirements.
  • Fat trimmings : Whether cooked or uncooked, these should not be offered to dogs because they can lead to pancreatitis.
  • Macadamia nuts : If your pet ingests this variety of nuts even in small amounts, it can prove fatal for them. The symptoms of poisoning due to this include vomiting, muscle tremors, weakness in back legs, and an increase in temperature.
  • Dairy foods : These can be had in moderation, but milk products may cause stomach issues and diarrhea, besides triggering food allergies.
  • Raw meat or fish : These are likely to be contaminated with bacteria, making them unsuitable for pets. This causes food poisoning, like the parasite in salmon triggers poisoning. The common symptoms are fever, vomiting, and enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Tobacco : This contains nicotine and is lethal for dogs. The symptoms include vomiting, weakness, tremors, and an abnormal heart rate.