Human Foods That Are Harmful for Pets

Human Foods That Are Harmful for Pets

Every pet owner considers their furry friend to be a member of their family. It’s probably no different for you, and you’d love to share your favorite foods with your beloved companion. But, are you aware that most foods considered healthy for humans are harmful or even dangerous for your pet’s health?

Surprisingly, several foods good for our health are strict no-nos for pets, although they may be thrilled to munch on these foods. As a pet owner, you must be aware of the common human foods that are dangerous for dogs and cats:

This is an artificial sweetener present in several human food items like chewing gum, sugar-free candy, and baked goods. The compound is also added to toothpaste, mouthwashes, and vitamin supplements. If your pet ingests this food item, it can lead to a life-threatening drop in their blood sugar levels. It also causes liver damage due to increased insulin release, and your pet might experience seizures, vomiting, and coordination issues.

Citric acid and essential oils are found in large quantities in the stems, leaves, peels, and seeds of citrus plants and fruits. These ingredients cause severe skin and eye irritation and can also cause central nervous system failure in your pet if they ingest them. Eating even a small portion of the fruit can lead to an upset stomach.

Mustard seeds
Mustard seeds contain certain compounds that are toxic to pets. Your pet may experience vomiting and diarrhea if they consume mustard seeds. Unlike humans, pets usually don’t chew their food completely before swallowing. This obstructs the food from breaking down, and it can severely suppress your pet’s thyroid function.

Garlic and onions
These two staple human foods that are dangerous for dogs and cats, along with chives, as they contain compounds that cause a range of gastrointestinal issues in pets. Your pet might also develop anemia since these foods damage the red blood cells significantly. Your pet might not show any signs of toxicity for several days after ingestion, but you must watch out for signs like continuous lethargy, chronic weakness, and dark-colored urine.

Blue cheese
Similar to other dairy products, your pet finds it extremely difficult to break down cheese, so consuming it can cause severe sickness and diarrhea. That said, blue cheese like stilton and Roquefort are highly risky for pets since they contain a substance called roquefortine C. Pets are highly sensitive to this substance, and it manifests in the form of constant vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, and twitching, which requires emergency veterinary advice.

Moldy foods
These foods include bread, nuts, and a variety of dairy products that can make your pet sick. However, these foods also include those that have been stored in the refrigerator for days to weeks. Moldy foods are among the common human foods that are dangerous for dogs and cats since they contain high amounts of tremorgenic mycotoxins that cause vomiting with diarrhea, seizures, and confusion.