Foods to Eat and to Avoid For IBS

Foods to Eat and to Avoid For IBS

Certain foods can easily aggravate your IBS symptoms. These triggers can cause you to have more discomfort than before. Here are foods to avoid and foods you should eat when you are experiencing IBS symptoms. As the condition affects people differently, it is understandable that individuals have different and so you might have different triggers. Once identified, it is crucial to avoid the trigger.

Avoid these foods when suffering from bloating
Bloating is caused by consuming foods that are difficult to digest. Therefore, you should avoid eating foods such as onions, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, beans, and cabbage if you have IBS-related bloating problems. Sorbitol is another item that might be worsening your problem so avoiding it is best if it is a trigger for you. Generally, the foods that cause bloating can also lead to other problems such as farting and cramps, which can make you feel worse.

Eat these foods when suffering from bloating
You should consume oats on a regular basis as this can help keep bloating at bay. Eating 1 tablespoon of linseeds a day can help too. You can eat sweet potatoes, cucumbers, spinach, and sweet potatoes as they can help reduce bloating symptoms. Fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, mandarins, and bananas can further aid in managing the symptoms. Black beans and pinto beans do get digested faster, so you can try to eat and see how your body reacts.

Avoid these foods when suffering from constipation
There are many foods that can make your constipation symptoms worse than they already are. For instance, coffee, alcohol, and carbonated drinks are often known to make the condition worse. Processed foods such as cookies, chips, and packaged foods can worsen constipation. Other foods such as a diet high in protein, dairy products such as cheese, and foods made with refined grains can lead to aggravated symptoms too.

Eat these foods when suffering from constipation
You should opt for foods such as prune juice and dried plums as they contain sorbitol, which is a sugar substitute. But you must limit their consumption, and also keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. It is recommended to slowly increase your fiber intake. Women should aim to consume 25 grams of fiber per day and men should consume 38 grams of fiber.

Avoid these foods when suffering from diarrhea
Some examples of foods to avoid include carbonated drinks and eating large meals. Eating too much fiber, especially insoluble fiber, can lead to diarrhea. For some people, eating fried, fatty, and processed foods worsens the condition. Consuming certain dairy products can also aggravate the problem. Drinks and foods that contain caffeine, sorbitol, chocolate, or fructose must also be avoided.

Eat these foods when suffering from diarrhea
Soluble fiber should not be banned from your diet but you should eat a lesser amount of it. For example, opt for whole wheat bread, dried fruits, brown rice, oats, and barley, and steer clear of foods such as onions, broccoli, and cabbage which can induce gas. You should avoid eating foods of different temperatures such as a hot food item and a cold food item in the same meal because it can make the symptoms worse. Also, aim to drink water at least an hour before or an hour after your meals.