Alternative Therapies to Manage SMA

Alternative Therapies to Manage SMA

Several therapies are employed not directly to treat the illness but rather to relieve the pain and reduce the impact of the symptoms. At times, they do cure a few diseases too. These are Complementary and Alternative Therapies (CATs). There are several CATs employed for SMA as well.

Here, we will discuss a few alternative therapies for Spinal Muscle Atrophy, which bring some relief. 

Acupuncture has been around for more than 2000 years. It is a practice where the expert will insert needles into the energy points or the body’s meridians. Traditionally, acupuncture aims to release your body’s bad energy and redirect any qi or trapped energy. Many studies and randomized controlled experiments have been carried out to study acupuncture. To tell you the truth, these studies and trials have to date shown only mixed results. Though some patients have experienced incredible healing, others have depicted no change in their symptoms. So, as long as the other treatments and medications are on, there is no harm in trying out different alternative therapies for Spinal Muscle Atrophy. There is no certainty whether the treatment will work on you, but what if it does? SMA does hamper the quality of life of a child, so if acupuncture brings in any relief, there is no harm in trying. As such, there is no risk involved in this treatment. However, do ensure that the needles, which are used, are sterile. The costs are usually more in the first session as the expert will perform assessments too. Following that, the costs per session will be lower. 

It is an employment of pressure on a few specific areas or pressure points in the body. It is done either directly via hands or using medical aids. Many different types of massages are used. Today, massages are prevalent in many massage parlors and private spas too. In some form or the other, the massage has been used and has been around for about 3000 to 5000 years. It is a commonly used treatment in countries like China, Egypt, and India. Since SMA is a cluster of genetic disorders in which the person cannot control their muscular movements because of the loss of nerve cells in the brainstem and spinal cord and massaging targets the muscles, the treatment may be helpful. Before using the massage treatment on a patient with SMA, getting a health screening done is vital. 

Many practitioners help patients get relief from a few medication conditions through massage and manipulation of the muscles and skeletons. In some conditions, osteopathy is known to bring in positive results. The practice employs methods to manipulate the spinal muscles or the muscles of the other body areas. It works similar to physiotherapy. As in some SMA kinds, there is a development of scoliosis, so this therapy can help reduce its progression.