5 Tips to Use Vacuum Cleaner Efficiently

5 Tips to Use Vacuum Cleaner Efficiently

We all like to keep our homes bereft any dust, dirt, pet hair, and grime. Unfortunately, most people’s typical household trouble is continuously looking for ways to get rid of these things from our lives. Of course, our vacuums do a brilliant job at it, but are you making the most of these powerful weapons?

Here are some tips for using the vacuum cleaner better:

Cover the area multiple times
You may assume that the vacuum cleaner’s high suction power is adequate to keep the area clean in one go. But is it? The most useful tips for using the vacuum cleaner is to start at one corner of the house and then take it horizontally. It ensures that every corner of the house is covered, and you go through the same spot multiple times to ensure a thorough cleaning. 

Do not make it harder than it should be
A lot of people tend to create additional mess inadvertently. It makes the simple process of vacuuming complicated and time-consuming. Try to make smaller changes, and your cleaning routine can be changed for the better. For instance, have separate shoes for inside and outside the house. So, the apparent solution is to leave your shoes at the door when you enter your home. As a result, all the outside debris will be curtailed in a single spot. If this does not work for you, have doormats right at the house’s entry point. Make it a mandatory rule for everyone to wipe the shoes before entering. It can also save you from all the trouble.

Take it from the top down
When you vacuum, the last step should be cleaning the floors. Start by dusting all your fixtures, fan blades, vents, blinds, curtains, crummy countertops, and shelves. When you do that, all of the dirt and the dust will settle onto the floor. So, when you vacuum floors last, you are saved from the trouble of cleaning twice. 

Have a routine
If you have a habit of postponing vacuum until your rug or carpet looks visibly dirty, then you are indeed waiting too long. When floor covers are soiled with dirt, a simple vacuum will not be enough; instead, you will now need a deep clean. To avoid this hassle, you need to ensure that vacuuming is a part of your cleaning routine. 

Empty the bag or canister frequently
It is an obvious cleaning tip, but still, sometimes people tend to ignore it. If you keep vacuuming when the dirtbag is full, you will not end up with a clean house. It is best to change the bag when it has reached the ¾ level. If you wait too long, the hose might be clogged, which will directly affect the vacuum cleaner’s efficiency. On the other hand, if you have a bagless cleaner, you can start with an empty canister.