10 Hacks For Maintaining A Beautiful Yard

10 Hacks For Maintaining A Beautiful Yard

When you avoid common lawn issues such as dehydration and poor soil pH, you go a long way toward establishing a healthier lawn. Following a few simple tips can help you avoid poor grass growth, crabgrass growth, help you find products and services to get rid of weeds; and deter moles, grubs and other yard pests. Adopting just a few of the following 10 lawn hacks will help you make yard work easier in the long run:

1. Fertilize and mulch frequently

Fresh soil food helps plants grow and ensures a healthy overall topsoil. It also deters pests like grubs and weeds from overtaking and ruining your lawn and gardens. You can opt to pay a landscaping company to spray your yard for crab grass or a super concentrate roundup mix ratio. Or you can opt for more natural fertilizer options—such as bone meal, blood meal or manure.

2. Use baking soda to fix soil problems

Coat crabgrass with water, then baking soda to kill it where it grows. You can also mix baking soda with distilled water to make a homemade plant fungicide.

3. Install a rain barrel

Attaching a rain barrel to your roof’s gutter system lets you enjoy the free rainwater to irrigate your lawn. Collecting the rainwater means adding a leaf filter and gutter guard to your gutter system.

4. Utilize ground cover

Plant a ground cover such as clover that quickly spreads and doesn’t require constant mowing. Also, add pebbles, pine chips or other added covering to garden beds.

5. Aerate your lawn

Use aeration shoes to quickly aerate as you walk your yard or purchase a handheld aeration device. This process lets more water get into the soil by opening it up.

6. Plant more trees

You’ll add to the curb appeal of your lawn, plus you’ll help stop erosion in your yard. Trees and shrubs help hold the topsoil in place so that wind and rain don’t redistribute it.

7. Water early in the morning

When you water earlier in the day, you feed the plants for the day plus you do so before the sun comes out to absorb moisture as you place it in the yard. Your grass and plants get to take the water into their roots instead of the sun burning it off. You can also water early in the evening to keep plants happy and soak the lawn with less water.

8. Mow high and regularly

Easily control weeds in the yard by mowing to a height of three to four inches.

9. Leave your grass clippings

While you gather your fall leaves, you should leave your grass clippings in place. They add to the fertilization of your lawn, not to mention, they smell good.

10. Consider hiring a professional lawn service

After taking a few of these tips and ensuring you implement them, hire a pro. A professional lawn service company can help you by mowing, edging, and properly treating your lawn. If you need help with larger lawn projects like removing trees, search online for “handymen tree trimming contractors near me” or “home maintenance services” in your area. Lawn service companies can provide many professional-grade landscaping services—such as establishing gardens, fertilizing, trimming hedges and more—to add at your home’s curb appeal while keeping your yard healthier.

Following these lawn tips can make your yard work easier by maintaining a stunning, lush yard year round without great expense.